Prayer for this Project

"Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of your law." Psalm 119:18

Sunday, July 18, 2010

The Words of Job are Ended - Job 29-32

In Job 29-32, Job makes his final defense and appeal, and then he is done. Through all of his sufferings, he has maintained his integrity. Through all of the badgering from his friends, he has maintained his stance of righteousness before the Lord. His torment runs deeper than the boils on his skin or the anguish caused by his friends. What Job wrestles with more than any other obstacle is confusion with God!

“Why?” is Job’s main concern. He has been a good steward of his material goods. He has stood against the unrighteous. He has been a friend to the widow, the needy, and the stranger alike. He has shunned evil and walked in righteousness. Why would this mountain of tragedy befall one who has lived in such a righteous way?

Job becomes absolutely tormented in spirit. Maybe there is a sin he has overlooked? If only the Lord would reveal it so that he could mend his ways! What has he done to deserve this? And finally, Job runs out of words, and we will not hear from Job again until after Job hears from God!

There are some wonderful lessons for us here because we will all walk through seasons of suffering and anguish where we too will wonder “why?”. When we find ourselves in those times of struggle, Job is a good example for us. State your case. Pour out your heart. Review your life. Go back over everything. One good thing that results from suffering is that it causes us to stop and do some self-evaluation! Then, when you have made your case, just be quiet and wait on the Lord to answer! The Lord will answer! He does not allow suffering to cover his children in order to leave them wasted and distraught! He has a purpose. He will respond. Wait on the Lord.

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