Prayer for this Project

"Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of your law." Psalm 119:18

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Our Unique God - 1 Tim 1-2

It is a joy to read the letters of Paul because they are so rich in theology, understanding, insight, and encouragement. They are also a pleasure because Paul does not write cold, impersonal letters. He is involved in the letter. He rejoices at times and weeps at times, and sometimes he stops and praises the Lord right on the page! One of his praise choruses is found in 1:17. “To the King of ages, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory forever and ever. Amen.” At the heart of Paul’s praise is the uniqueness of our glorious God!

First, He alone is THE King of ages. He has always been The King, and He always will be! No other can take or claim His throne!

Second, He is immortal. He is Spirit without a body like man. He lives eternally and is the source of all life. He cannot die!

Third, He is invisible. No one, apart from a glorified state, has seen Him. He is unlike other false gods which can be fashioned into idols. He cannot for His form is unseen and cannot be contained in material representation.

Fourth, He is the only God. This is the highest mark of His uniqueness! He is the only One! There are no other gods at all. Other gods are simply figments of man’s imagination created in order to reject the One, True God.

It is on the basis of God’s unique existence and essence that Paul rightly declares that God is worthy of all honor and glory forevermore! And He will receive that honor and glory because we as His children will bring it joyfully to Him!

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