Prayer for this Project

"Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of your law." Psalm 119:18

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Paul's Persuasive Pen - Philemon

Most examinations of Philemon are concerned with how Paul addresses slavery. He neither condones it nor condemns it. However, he does strongly indicate that under the influence of the Gospel, slavery will evaporate. What is most intriguing about this small letter is how powerful Paul can be with words! The pen is truly mightier than the sword when held under a brilliant mind such as that of the Apostle. The entire letter is one reason after another, both veiled and direct, for Philemon to acquiesce to Paul’s wish of accepting Onesimus with full privilege and without punishment. First, in his greeting he includes Timothy as a witness to the letter’s content, and he also desires for the letter to be read by others. Philemon will not be able to keep Paul’s request a secret.

Second, In Paul’s opening remarks he praises Philemon for his great acts of kindness and love toward fellow believers, which refreshed their hearts.

Third, he reminds Philemon of three things; his apostolic authority (which he lays aside), his imprisonment, and his age. Then he announces that Onesimus is now a fellow believer as well and should be treated as such. Paul led him to faith in Christ and considers him his own heart!

Fourth, Paul delivers the two most powerful persuasions yet when he suggests that all of these events were in God’s plan and that if Philemon wanted to refresh Paul’s heart, he would welcome and receive Onesimus!

There are several more persuasive ingredients in the letter, but one can tell from the examples above, Philemon was left without any options but to do the right thing because he was given so many reasons to do so!

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