Prayer for this Project

"Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of your law." Psalm 119:18

Friday, July 16, 2010

Recipe for a Healthy Church - Titus

In Paul’s letter to Titus he is instructing Titus how to structure and guide the church in Crete. This epistle therefore is an ecclesiastical guidebook, that is, a biblical manual for the local church. In many ways, it is much like a recipe. If you get the ingredients right, the results are wonderful! Paul essentially instructs Titus to include three ingredients in order to see a healthy church produced in Crete. Throughout the epistle Paul uses the word “sound,” which means “healthy.” Paul’s desire is not just that a church in Crete exists, but that the church be healthy!

First Ingredient: God-ordained Leadership (1:5-9). Titus is to appoint elders (plural) for each church. After Paul lists the qualifications as a guide for Titus in appointing elders, he states the twofold purpose for elders in the church. They are to instruct the believers in “sound” doctrine and also to rebuke those who oppose “sound” doctrine.

Second Ingredient: God-centered Doctrine (2:11-14, 3:4-7). God-centered doctrine means that at the root of “sound” doctrine is that all things are rooted in the grace of God and result in the glory of God. In these texts, salvation is found in Christ alone and enacted by God alone!

Third Ingredient: God-glorifying Believers (2:1-10, 3:1-3). There is a progression here. Once you have God-ordained Leadership, they will teach “sound” doctrine to the church. The believers will embrace God-centered doctrine and their lives will reflect change and submission to God’s will! The changed life is what makes the “sound” doctrine so attractive (2:10)!

If health is to be achieved, these three ingredients are required!

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