Prayer for this Project

"Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of your law." Psalm 119:18

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Can They Get Any Worse? Jer 44-48

Jeremiah’s prophetic words have been ignored, detested, and spurned. Jeremiah the prophet has been maligned, scorned, and persecuted. While his message has been labeled as unbelievable and inconceivable, it has been only his messages that have come true! Still yet, his listeners are in a state of rebellion and continue to dismiss his warnings and dismiss him. Given the role of the prophet in this day and the unfolding of events around them, it is almost perplexing why they will not hear and abide by Jeremiah’s pleas and warnings. Can they get any worse in their rebellion against God?

Yes, they can, and yes, they do! Listen to the chilling response Jeremiah received when confronting those who had fled to Egypt. “As for the word that you have spoken to us in the name of the Lord, we will not listen to you. But we will do everything that we have vowed, make offerings to the queen of heaven and pour out drink offerings to her . . .” (44:16-17)

Pay careful attention to how far their rejection has progressed. First, they acknowledge Jeremiah’s words as being from God, and yet they openly dismiss them! They have grown so bold as to proudly admit their refusal to hear and obey God. They realize “we will not listen to you” means “we will not listen to God!” Second, they openly endorse and commend the worship of another god right there in the face of God’s prophet. Rejection is total.

Yes, they could become worse. Hard hearts can always grow harder still. There is no end to how far one can move away from God when sin is being embraced and the Word of God is being rejected. A warning to all who read Jeremiah - Harden not your hearts lest they grow harder still! Hear, receive, and embrace the Word of God!

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