Prayer for this Project

"Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of your law." Psalm 119:18

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

When Will They Ever Learn? Jer 40-43

A common theme runs through the book of Jeremiah. The Lord speaks to Jeremiah - Jeremiah tells the people what the Lord has said - They don’t believe him - He keeps telling them - They keep rejecting - Finally, judgment falls just like Jeremiah said, and the people never repented!

Now, one can understand how this can happen the first time. People just shrug off a hard message because it is so much easier to believe the false prophets. It is so much easier, that is appealing to the flesh, to believe that you can embrace sin and salvation. So it’s easy to see how Jeremiah’s message is initially rejected. But when his prophecy comes true, why do the people continue to reject his message? That doesn’t make sense!

If you have seen the words of judgment come true, why wouldn’t you believe the man of God when he warns you again? Instead, Azariah and Johanan thought they had a better plan than the promise of God to protect them. They responded to Jeremiah, “You are telling a lie. The Lord our God did not send you to say . . .” (43:2) Not only do they call the prophet of God a liar, but they claim to have right standing with God and to be the ones who discern what God has said! Astounding! When will they ever learn?

They won’t! None of those who reject the Word of God will learn until the Lord changes their hearts! Only under the New Covenant grace of a new heart will they joyfully receive and gladly follow the way of the Lord! That is the New Covenant promise (32:39).

Thanks be to God for the New Covenant promise fulfilled in our hearts as God’s people today. Without it, we would have never learned either!

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