Prayer for this Project

"Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of your law." Psalm 119:18

Saturday, September 11, 2010

A Faithful Prophet, A Faithful God - Lam

The little book of Lamentations tells you much about the character of the prophet and much about the character of God! The final chapter of Jeremiah’s prophecy captures in words the catastrophic fall of Jerusalem. It’s hard to imagine how horrifying it must have been to witness the destruction of the beautiful city. How would Jeremiah react? Would he exude an air of self-righteous, holier-than-thou attitude? After all, he was insulted, beaten, imprisoned, and left for dead! Would he think, “Well, this is what they deserve! This is what they get for rejecting God!”

Not at all. Jeremiah weeps! Jeremiah laments! Remember, this was his city and his people too! He wasn’t “preaching” to them all those years, he was “pleading” with them! The last thing Jeremiah desired was judgment. He desired repentance and deliverance! Therefore, Lamentations arises from Jeremiah strolling through Jerusalem, describing the horrific scenes (2:20), and pleading for God to have mercy, to remember, and to restore! Jeremiah was a faithful prophet! Faithful to God and faithful to his people.

Lamentations also tells us much about the justice and mercy of God. If He were just without mercy, we would all be crushed! If He were mercy without justice, sin would overwhelm us. Thank God He is both! Let the words of God’s justice give us great fear and pause when we attempt to excuse our sin, and let the words of God’s mercy cause us to rejoice greatly in Him! “The Lord gave full vent to His wrath; He poured out His hot anger” (4:11). “The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases, His mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness” (3:22-23).

God is faithful! First to Himself, His character, and therefore to His people!

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