Prayer for this Project

"Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of your law." Psalm 119:18

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Preaching Can Be Deadly! Jer 25-28

Everyone knew Jeremiah’s message: The Lord is going to judge Judah and Jerusalem because of idolatry and wickedness! No one believed him. They believed the lying prophets who kept telling them everything was going to be fine. They could be God’s people and live pagan lives - no problem! Then nagging Jeremiah would be on a street corner bringing his message of doom! He did so for 23 years! (25:3) To them, he was a nuisance.

One day Jeremiah changed tactics and took his message right to church! (26:2) The place of worship had turned into a den of false hope and security. The place where you would expect to hear about sin and repentance becomes the place where nothing seems to be sin and the attendees never need repentance. It’s fine to speak of others needing repentance and facing judgment, but don’t be so arrogant and judgmental as to imply that those assembled in the Lord’s house are in the wrong!Bringing the message of sin and judgment into church just may be dangerous to your health! Jeremiah was threatened with death for telling people the God’s honest Truth!

This happens in our day as well. Church-goers shake their heads in approval when we speak of God’s impending judgment on the wicked. But don’t dare suggest that some of the “wicked” are actually at church! If you go so far as to suggest that some in the church face eternal judgment because their lives do not evidence true faith, you may see cross-hairs!

Thankfully, Jeremiah was released from this mob but he would endure many more angry opposers and suffering because of his message. If we dare to bring the Word of God to church, we might face the same!

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