Prayer for this Project

"Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of your law." Psalm 119:18

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Enemies Within! Jude

The letter of Jude is a warning call. The church is under attack! She must defend herself and defend the truth from enemies within! Jude’s description of these undercover enemies removes their cloak of deception and reveals their true identity. First, these people have “crept in unnoticed.” They are sly and cunning. They speak “Christianese.” They do not loudly announce their opposition, but softly and subtly make suggestions, offer opinions, volunteer information. In this way, they guide the church instead of the pastors.

Second, they “pervert the grace of God.” They uphold the grace of justification as to deny the role of sanctification in true salvation. Their gospel says, “Once you’re in, you can live as you please!” As a result, they indulge in sin and encourage others to join them.

Third, these people “reject authority” by word and action. They have no respect for those God sets over them, such as pastors or the Word!

Fourth, they lash out against the truth, totally reject it, and even openly oppose it. They dangerously “blaspheme all that they do not understand,” “without [any] fear” whatsoever!

Fifth, Jude provides an extensive list of character traits. The enemies are “grumblers, malcontents, following their own sinful desires, boasters, showing favoritism, cause division, worldly, and devoid of the Spirit.”

When unbelievers “creep in,” sound the alarm! The faith and the flock are under attack!

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