Prayer for this Project

"Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of your law." Psalm 119:18

Friday, September 24, 2010

The Faithless Bride - Ez 13-16

Ezekiel 16 personifies Israel as the Lord’s Bride. It is a powerful, insightful means to reveal just how horrible was her sin towards such a merciful and gracious God. The faithless Bride has been wed to a Faithful Husband!

The Faithless Bride. She was born to an Amorite father and a Hittite mother. Pagan from birth, she was abandoned with no one to care for her. Yet the Lord watched over her. When she came of age, the Lord entered into covenant with her. He cleansed, adorned, and anointed her. He lavished her with goods, and she was known for her beauty and splendor.

Eventually, the gifts and status bestowed upon her became the means to cheat on Him and break covenant. Her beauty and fame attracted many lovers, and she turned none away. She grew in her lust and searched for lovers far and wide. Her adultery was even more vile than the prostitute’s for she paid her partners. There was no end to her lewdness.

The Faithful Husband. The Lord will bring her iniquity to an end. He will turn her lovers against her. She will learn what true love is when they strip her of everything she has. Out of love, the Lord will allow her to receive due reward for her sin. He will not, however, leave her! He will not give her what she deserves. In fact, He will do more for her now than ever. He will enact a new covenant, atone for her, and take her for His own forevermore.

A faithless Bride and a Faithful Husband. It’s not just OT Israel’s personification! We have all been faithless, but the Lord remains faithful constantly. Praise His name that His faithfulness is rooted in the everlasting covenant He has made with His Bride, the Church!

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