Prayer for this Project

"Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of your law." Psalm 119:18

Saturday, September 25, 2010

For His Name's Sake - Ez 17-20

The fundamental reason for all of God’s actions is His own glory. Everything is primarily rooted in God’s motivation to uphold and spread His name. While this may perhaps be mistaken as wrongdoing on God’s part, it is actually quite the opposite. Because God’s actions are rooted in His name, they are also good, merciful, and gracious toward His people!

When the Lord was preparing to deliver the people from Egypt, He observed that they had embraced the gods of Egypt and would not relinquish them. Instead of extinguishing them in Egypt, as they deserved, He delivered them for His name’s sake (20:9)!

When the Lord provided their escape from Pharaoh and gave them His statutes, they responded by rebelling against Him. Instead of pouring out His wrath and ending them in the wilderness, as they deserved, He preserved them for His name’s sake (20:14)!

Their children, who were to inherit the Promised Land, followed in the way of their parents. Instead of executing them before the Conquest, as they deserved, He brought them into the land for His name’s sake (20:22)!

Eventually their continued sin is such that it must be judged. God will enter into judgment against them and scatter them, as they deserve. However, He will not forget them. He will gather them, renew them, and return them for His name’s sake (20:44)!

It is precisely because God acts on behalf of His name that we, followers of Christ, are His children today! Praise His name!

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