Prayer for this Project

"Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of your law." Psalm 119:18

Friday, September 17, 2010

A Living Example - 3 Jn

John has been exhorting believers to walk in truth and love. In his third epistle, he commends a fellow believer who does so! 3 John teaches us that Christianity is not a philosophy or ideology, it is a way of life! 3 John answers the “how” question. How do we live out what 1 and 2 John command? How do you walk in truth? How do you walk in love? Instead of diving into a technical explanation, John says, “Let me introduce you to Gaius.”

Gaius stood high as a great example of walking in the truth. The reason why John was confident of this is because his reputation preceded him! Gaius had practiced Christianity in such a way as to get noticed, to grab attention. People were talking! Not of his mischief, but rather the talk of the town was Gaius’ kindness!

Gaius also walked in love, particularly love toward fellow believers. It seems that some missionaries arrived in Gaius’ town, and they found refuge, welcome, and hospitality at Gaius’ home! John describes Gaius’ actions toward these men as “love.”

3 John not only provides an example of walking in truth and love but also an example of one who has a profession of faith but is void of a demonstration of true faith: Diotrephes. He makes wicked accusations and does not welcome the brothers!

Authentic Christianity is of the kind that Gaius exemplified! Diotrephes’ life, void of truth and love, proved him to be one who had “not seen God.” May ours be the faith of Gaius. A faith that is lived out!

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