Prayer for this Project

"Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of your law." Psalm 119:18

Monday, September 27, 2010

Lord of the Nations - Ez 29-31

Behind the events of man stands the hand of God! Nothing takes place, whether political, economical, or global that does not have a divine initiative and purpose behind it. Even the horrors, evils, and devastation of war are folded into God’s plan to glorify Himself among the nations. Man does not act from his own intuition, even though he believes this to be the case.

An example of God’s sovereign rule over the nations is given in Ezekiel 29-31. Egypt will face a bitter judgment because of their pride and mistreatment of Israel. The Lord will not allow those things to go unpunished. He will prove to Egypt that He is Lord when He brings them down.

The instrument of His wrath will be the nation of Babylon. Babylon will brutally defeat Egypt and thus bring this prophecy to reality. In the prophetic words, the Lord will “break his [Pharaoh] arms” and “strengthen the arms of the king of Babylon” (30:22, 24).

From Babylon’s perspective, they are simply so powerful that they will crush the once mighty Egyptians. They are now the world empire. They are simply accomplishing what world empires accomplish, namely, global domination. However, this is not God’s perspective. He has raised them up. He is using them to enact judgment. When He has finished His purposes, He will judge them for their wickedness as well.

The same Lord who rules over the nations, rules over individual men! His purposes will be accomplished. The only proper response to His sovereignty is to bow before Him in honor, reverence, and worship!

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