Prayer for this Project

"Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of your law." Psalm 119:18

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Truth and Love - 2 Jn

John’s second epistle is addressed to the “elect lady.” It seems from indicators within the letter, “lady” is something of a code word for “church.” John anticipates a visit soon with this “lady,” and he has so much he wishes to share with her face to face (v12). However, there were a couple of things on John’s mind that just couldn’t wait: truth and love.

Concerning truth, John was well aware that movements were afoot which denied the Person of Christ and the teachings of Christ. To lose either is to lose the Gospel message. Christ must be both man and God in order to be Redeemer. Those who deny the Person of Christ are deceivers (v7). If Christ’s teachings are distorted, the biblical truth about salvation is distorted. Those who embrace different teachings do not possess true salvation (v9). John’s warning: Believe in Jesus as God in the flesh and abide in His teaching!

Concerning love, John appeals for the “lady” to truly love other fellow believers. For John, it all comes down to love! If we love the Lord, we will walk in His commandments, and His chief commandment is for us to walk in love! Love is truly the faith test. If love toward one another is present, so is faith. If it is absent . . .

Truth and love. These were the two subjects that John felt such an urgency he sent a letter instead of waiting for a visit. Holding to truth, the content of our faith, and walking in love, the display of our faith, are Gospel matters. Matters which call for our attention. The “lady” cannot lose her perspective on truth and love lest she lose far more! May we be as urgent in our day as John was in his to remind and to urge the “lady” to walk in truth and love!

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