Prayer for this Project

"Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of your law." Psalm 119:18

Monday, September 20, 2010

Describing the Indescribable - Ez 1-4

Ezekiel’s prophecy begins with his description of the glory of the Lord. What a sight! It started as a bright cloud issuing lightening bolts with gleaming metal in the center of the storm. Out of this came four, fiery creatures with a human likeness, except they each had four faces and two wings! They had hoof feet, bronze bodies, and human hands under their wings. For their four faces, one looked human, one like a lion, one like an ox, and one like an eagle.

Beside the each creature was a gleaming wheel that had within it another wheel and rims covered with eyes. Over the creatures’ heads was a shining expanse. Above the expanse, a sapphire throne. On the throne, a human likeness with a body of gleaming metal and fire. Everything was brightness!

Can you get that image in your head? It is difficult isn’t it? You can tell by reading Ezekiel’s description that he is struggling to put into words what he is beholding! He is viewing the glory of the Lord! He is attempting to describe the indescribable.

We might miss the point if we try to analyze what each detail represents. Maybe some benefit, but probably just speculation. Maybe the point of this description is to realize that the manifested glory of the Lord is breathtaking, stunning, and overwhelming. When Ezekiel saw it, he fell on his face (v28). Maybe the point of describing the indescribable is to help explain the result of encountering God’s glory, not to figure it out.

As believers, we will behold His manifested glory as well. And we too will have a hard time describing it, especially with our face on the ground!

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