Prayer for this Project

"Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of your law." Psalm 119:18

Friday, May 21, 2010

Fatherly Wisdom and Advice - 1 Chron 21-24

David sure had his share of sin, consequences, and trouble in his latter days. Bathsheba, Uriah, Absalom, and then there is the whole census issue. All of these resulted in a heavy burden for David in his latter years. But there is still much to learn from King David. (we can learn from his sins too)

One area that David stands as an example for us as an older man is in his care and fathering of Solomon. First, David knew what Solomon was to do as king, and therefore, he set about to prepare him for it. Solomon would do what David desired to do but could not. Solomon would build the Temple. So David began gathering the materials for the Temple during his life. He equipped his son to carry out the task. Then David instructed Solomon and charged him with this task.

Parents today would cringe at such a notion of parenting! Children are to find their own way - right? Actually, children are to be guided by their parents! That’s what parenting is. Think about the privilege of equipping your children for their course of life and instructing them before they face it!

By far, however, David’s advice to Solomon was his best contribution to Solomon’s life. David tells him in 1 Chron 22:19, “Now set your mind and heart to seek the Lord your God.” As parents, our chief responsibility is not directing and equipping our children for their life’s vocation, but rather pointing them to Christ for their soul’s salvation! There are many things in David’s life we do not wish to follow, but his fatherly wisdom and advice are among his greatest achievements!

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