Prayer for this Project

"Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of your law." Psalm 119:18

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Judgment Day - 2 Kings 17-20

Israel was determined to not repent. The Lord had been patient. The Lord sent his prophets to warn of judgment and call for repentance. The people made it clear that they were never going to turn from their vile ways. As they continued to sin, his wrath continued to build. Finally, it erupted. Assyria sent the people into exile and right out of history!

What were the people of Israel guilty of? 2 Kings 17 lists their offenses against God. (feared other gods, adopted the customs of other nations, secretly sinned against the Lord, built high places, set up pillars and Asherim, made offerings to other gods, did wicked things, served idols, ignored the prophets, did not believe in the Lord, despised the Lord’s statutes and covenant, went after false idols and became false, abandoned all the commandments of the Lord, made images of calves, made an Asherah, worshipped the host of heaven, served Baal, burned their children as offerings, used divination, followed omens, sold themselves to sin)

What was the judgment? 2 Kings 17:18 – “Therefore the Lord was very angry with Israel and removed them out of his sight.”

As horrible as Israel was, apart from Christ, we are just as vile and wicked! Like Israel, apart from Christ, we are children of wrath, who have incurred the wrath of God by sinning against his holiness, goodness, and grace. God is angry with us apart from Christ, and judgment day will come when God will remove from his sight all who are without Christ! But thanks be to God, he has sent his Son, and everyone who is in Christ is saved from God’s wrath against his sin, forgiven of his sin, and made a child of God! The answer for judgment day is Christ!

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