Prayer for this Project

"Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of your law." Psalm 119:18

Thursday, May 27, 2010

The Walking Dead - Eph 1-2

How do you know if you are a spiritually dead person? It’s not as easy to perceive as one might think because most people would affirm their spirituality or spiritual nature. People are religious, emotional, ans walking around busy with everyday life, and therefore believe they are spiritually alive. Little do they know, these have nothing to do with spiritual life!

Those who are dead spiritually are captive to sin. They walk in their sins, that is, they live from moment to moment, day to day, to continue their sinful lifestyle. Their way of thinking about sin and living in sin is the acceptable norm of society. What once was labeled sin and of Satan is now just “old fashioned.” These are all traits of those who are spiritually dead. The main trait however is that the spiritually dead are driven by the desires of their flesh. They do not make choices based on logic, principle, or the good of others. Their decisions are based on one factor; what they want to do determines what they will do! And what they want to do is sin.

The end of the spiritually dead is the wrath of God. A life of sin and rebellion against God will stand in judgment before God and will be held accountable.

Now we will never understand mercy and grace until understand that all of us were once spiritually dead! We loved sin. We ignored God except to think of him as approving our sin. We were dead in our sin, but thought we were ok. We were destined to God’s wrath, and rightfully so. And mercy fell upon us! God MADE US ALIVE IN CHRIST BY GRACE THROUGH FAITH IN HIM! Now, we are finally spiritually ALIVE!

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