Prayer for this Project

"Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of your law." Psalm 119:18

Monday, May 31, 2010

Solomon's Order of Worship - 2 Chron 1-4

2 Chronicles opens in a marvelous way - a corporate worship service led by Solomon! We could learn a few things from this special time that Solomon and Israel spent with the Lord!

First, Solomon and Israel assembled at the tent of meeting. In other words, there was a designated place for gathering to worship the Lord. Yes, one can worship God anywhere and any time. But God’s people have always had a desire to worship God together on certain days at specific places!

Second, when they arrived, they offered 1,000 burnt offerings to the Lord! Can you imagine how long that took? I don’t think people were looking at their watches wondering when the preacher would finally hush! They were there to worship, and so they came with offerings, lots of offerings! Is this the way we come before the Lord today? Do we come with offerings? Offering ourselves before the Lord, offering our families and children to the Lord, offering our gifts and talents, offering significant monetary gifts, offering our lives - may we come with 1,000 offerings when we come to worship!

Third, that evening, God appeared to Solomon! Isn’t that what we long for when we worship? We long for God to move upon his people! Solomon offered 1,000 offerings; God offered Solomon any request!

Fourth, Solomon asked God for wisdom! Solomon knew how dependent he was upon God and therefore asked for God’s wisdom.

This was an incredible day of worship!

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