Prayer for this Project

"Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of your law." Psalm 119:18

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Is God Too Harsh? 1 Chron 13-16

When we read the story of Uzzah, we often walk away scratching our heads. We reason something like this, “I know Uzzah was not supposed to touch the ark because it was holy and all, but he was just trying to support it. Seems like God overreacts here. Why so harsh?” Let’s take a closer look because God does not overreact, but we are missing something here.

Remember that the ark is Israel’s holiest possession because it represents the very presence of God Himself. Wherever the ark was, there the presence of God dwelt. We must get the magnitude of that in our mind. Now we can ask some questions of the Israelites about their actions instead of questioning God about his.

Why would the Israelites transport the ark of God by pagan means instead of following God’s instructions? (1 Sam 6, 1 Chron 15:13) Was the violation simply breaking God’s instructions or was it replacing God’s way with a new, innovative way that seemed easier, better? Or even more provoking, had it become acceptable to go with the flow when it came to the things of God? If it was true that the presence of Almighty God was located with the ark, why in the world would Uzzah even be near it? Much less touch it? Could it be that Israel had lost sight of who God is, and therefore, showed less respect and honor? Had God become a friendly chum instead of the holy God who deserves all praise?

Was God too harsh or was Israel too comfortable, casual, and flippant with God? It is not the case that God reacts in a manner too harsh. It is the case that we, like the Israelites, often forget how immeasurably holy is the Lord. Should we ever grasp his infinite holiness, the “harsh” questions will vanish!

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