Prayer for this Project

"Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of your law." Psalm 119:18

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Who Am I? 1 Chron 17-20

In the Davidic covenant the Lord reveals to David that David will not build the Lord a house (building) but that the Lord is going to build David’s house (kingdom). David will have a son, and that son will also be son to the Lord! His throne will be established forever because his house and his kingdom will be the house and kingdom of God!

David realizes that these words from God to him are far beyond him! He replies in prayer, “Who am I?” “Who am I, O Lord God, and what is my house, that you have brought me thus far?” David’s response to God’s blessing and promise and grace is a good one, and one that we should pattern our prayers after.

David didn’t respond to the Lord’s promise by finding reason for grace within himself. David didn’t think, “The Lord must be doing all of this for me because I killed the giant, I am leading Israel, or I am a mighty warrior.” He didn’t even say “because I am a man after his own heart.” David took no credit whatsoever for being lavished with God’s favor. Indeed, with all of his credentials, David still wondered why! “Who am I?”

David knew two extremely critical and crucial lessons. Number one, even with all his credentials, he was still a sinner deserving nothing! Number two, the Lord’s grace is rooted in his glory and is always for our good. 17:24 – “your name will be established and magnified forever.” 17:27 – “you have been pleased to bless the house of your servant.” The Davidic covenant wasn’t about David, it was about God, and David enjoyed the benefits! The same is true for us in the new Covenant. It’s about God, and we enjoy the benefits! Bless his holy name!

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