Prayer for this Project

"Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of your law." Psalm 119:18

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

There Was Joy - 1 Chron 9-12

What a wide gulf exists between 1 Chronicles 9 and 1 Chronicles 12! 1 Chronicles 9 lists the genealogies of those who returned from Exile. Exile?!? That’s right. Israel and Judah turned from Lord, refused to listen to the prophets, refused to repent, and judgment fell. Only the poorest of the poor were left in the land. All others were sent packing to foreign lands where they were strangers. Once again, however, God was gracious and during Ezra and Nehemiah’s time, many were allowed to return to their homeland and even rebuild. The days of judgment, fall, and exile were the most miserable days in Israel’s history.

Then, the Chronicler hits the rewind button and takes us to a time when Israel enjoyed the blessings of God! We move quickly through Saul’s reign and then slow down for a good look at how events transpired that resulted in David reigning as king. Under David’s reign, enemies were defeated, the army was built up with loyal, dedicated warriors, Jerusalem was established as the city of David, and most importantly, David was recognized as God’s chosen leader. The result – joy! 1 Chronicles 12:40 – “for there was joy in Israel.”

Exile in 1 Chronicles 9; joy in 1 Chronicles 12. What a difference! What a lesson!

It is so easy to lose perspective and forget where our true joy is found, namely, only in the Lord! We are prone to forsake our chief source of joy for false joys that in the end only lead us to destruction! Let us remain at the Fountain of Life, the Fountain of Joy. May we live in 1 Chronicles 12 so as not to end up in 1 Chronicles 9!

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