Prayer for this Project

"Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of your law." Psalm 119:18

Friday, May 28, 2010

Theology Makes a Difference - Eph 5-6

In terms of theological richness and depth, Ephesians 1-4 is among the most challenging and enriching chapters of all Scripture. Ephesians 1-2 address salvation by grace through faith in Christ. Ephesians 2-3 address salvation as the same for all who are in Christ, both Jew and Gentile. Ephesians 4 addresses the unity of the Body of Christ, the Church. These are amazing, astounding spiritual truths that dwell among the deep things of God. Paul brings them to the surface for us to know and cherish. But for more than that too.

Theology makes a difference. The knowledge of these things are the basis for how we will react and live in light of knowing these truths. The indicatives of God precede the imperatives of God! The Bible tells us things, glorious things, about God, salvation, Christ, the Gospel, etc. Then, the Bible commands us as believers to certain actions, behaviors, and attitudes based on those glorious truths. The reason is that the power and motivation to live for God comes from knowing these things about God! Theology makes a difference, and big theology like what is found in Ephesians, makes a big difference in our lives!

Just look at the areas of life Paul addresses in Ephesians 5-6. Paul speaks to a believer’s walk of sanctification, making it clear that one who lives in sin is NOT a believer. Paul addresses the home, specifically the proper roles for husband and wife in relation to the Gospel. Paul addresses children, parenting, employment relations, and spiritual warfare. Those are huge, and they will largely be missed and ignored if chapters 1-4 are skipped! But if one plunges the depths of grace in Christ in 1-4, then the commands in 5-6 are welcome friends instead of tolerated neighbors!

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