Prayer for this Project

"Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of your law." Psalm 119:18

Saturday, May 29, 2010

The Message of Philippians - Phil 1-4

Philippians is one of the most enjoyable, inspiring, encouraging epistles of the NT! One is hard pressed to read this little letter and walk away NOT uplifted in spirit! Many of our well-known verses of inspiration and encouragement are found right here in Philippians. For example, 1:21 – “For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain,” and 4:4 – “Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice.” (cf 2:5, 4:8) In addition, there is the large theme of joy that runs throughout the book. Paul speaks of joy 16 times in 4 chapters! Of course, one cannot leave out of this list the great Christ Hymn in 2:5-11.

With so many golden nuggets packed into this brief letter, it can be difficult to see Paul’s purpose in writing. Many readers conclude that Paul’s main idea behind this letter is joy since he speaks so often of it. However, it may be surprising to find that unity in the church is the underlying motivation!

Paul is urging the Philippians to strive for unity because there are dangers within and without. They are in a time of suffering (1:29). If unity is not their goal, selfishness and divisiveness will soon set it. Therefore, Paul pleads for them to be of “one mind.” In order to achieve this, they each must be humble, and there is no better example of humility for them than Christ (2:5-11). Also, they must resist disunity for the sake of their witness (2:12-28), and Paul has sent them two living examples of humble believers (2:19-30). False teaching will also eat away at their unity, and they must denounce it (ch 3). Finally, Paul calls out two women within the church, by name, who must put their differences aside for the sake of unity!

So how does joy fit? Joy abounds where unity is present!

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