Prayer for this Project

"Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of your law." Psalm 119:18

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Great was the Fall - 2 Kings 25

Jerusalem. The city God had chosen. The place of David’s throne. The location of God’s Temple where the presence of God dwelt. Jerusalem surely would never fall into the hands of any foreign invader! At least that’s what the people of Judah believed! And that’s why they sinned so grievously against God! They believed they could live any way they wanted to just because they lived in the city of God! They were horribly wrong in their thinking and in their living. Association with the things of God is NOT salvation! God is not interested in temples and cities and thrones, he is interested in hearts and lives lived for his glory!

Nebuchadnezzar did what was thought to be the impossible. He laid siege to Jerusalem, captured the king, burned the Temple and every large home to the ground, carried away the Temple goods, and took Judah exile into Babylon! It was a devastating, gruesome scene. Great was the fall of Judah because so great was their sins against the Lord! Things would never be the same. The only hope is the promise of the Coming One!

It is a fearful thing to observe the same misplaced, false assurance among church attenders as was found among the people of Judah. Just as they, many people believe they will never face judgment because of their associations with God. They have prayed a prayer, they go to church, they participate in this or that church function, therefore they feel very secure. As a result, they conclude that a life of sin is no worry because they have God on their side. They are sadly mistaken! If they were truly God’s people, it would be reflected in their lives not just their Sunday morning routine! Judgment is quickly approaching them, and they will be shocked when it arrives!

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