Prayer for this Project

"Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of your law." Psalm 119:18

Monday, May 17, 2010

Poised for Greatness - 1 Chron 5-8

1 Chronicles 5-8 lists descendants according to the tribes of Israel. When reading through these pages, one thing becomes clear, namely, they were poised for greatness. They had multiplied abundantly. They had settled into rich lands with pastures and vineyards. They had settled into large fortified cities. They had built their army of mighty warriors. They were strong in number, wealthy in possession, and mighty in homeland defense. They were poised for greatness. But greatness would not be their destiny.

As already known from 1 and 2 Kings, while they were prospering in the above areas, they were horribly digressing in their walk with the Lord! In fact, they digressed so far as to become in total rebellion against the Lord. From one perspective, they were poised for greatness. From another, they were poised for destruction. As we all know, they fell.

The lesson for us is that true greatness is not to be found, nor will be achieved, in the collection of lands, possessions, and power. True greatness comes from living in joyful relation to the only Great God! It matters not what else you may have on your side if you do not have God on your side! Being poised for greatness can be immeasurably valuable if you live in abundance with God as chief of your life. However, being poised for greatness means nothing at all when your heart is against the Lord!

Let us hold near to our hearts in times of abundance what Israel forgot in their season of prosperity. Psalm 20:7 – “Some trust in chariots and some trust in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God.” Poised for greatness is loving the Lord with all our hearts no matter what our material circumstances may be!

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