Prayer for this Project

"Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of your law." Psalm 119:18

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

All Other Gods - Psalm 93-96

There is a glorious, definite, clearly visible, divine distinction, namely, the God of the Bible is the one Lord of the universe and all other gods are false!

Psalm 96:5a “For all the gods of the peoples are worthless idols” Notice three important elements of this statement. First, “all” is a very dogmatic declaration. There is no room left for maybes or possibilities. Every single other god is no god at all! Second, these gods are described as “worthless.” That is, they are of no saving, eternal, lasting benefit to their followers whatsoever. They are no good and can do no good. They cannot see. They cannot hear. They cannot help. They cannot save! Third, these gods are actually “idols.” In other words, they are not simply misplaced affections, they are intentional replacements to the adoration and worship of God. This means their followers are not seekers but rather idolators! They are enemies of the true God.

Now see the remaining half of this verse. Psalm 96:5b “but the Lord made the heavens.” In other words, it should be very evident to adherents of false religions that their gods are false! The Creator of the heavens is not contained in a form of iron, stone, or wood! The Creator of the heavens is not some person who lived long ago, made some philosophical observations, or wrote a few thoughtful words! Just one look at the heavens should clarify that God dwells not in our creations. However, that is exactly the point of created gods. If we can make our own god, we will not have to bow to the true God. Or so we think! Jesus, on the other hand, does not fit the mold of other gods. He came, lived perfectly, died willingly, and rose again victoriously, which unmistakably affirmed His deity!

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