Prayer for this Project

"Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of your law." Psalm 119:18

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Treated Wrongly for Acting Rightly - Psalm 57-60

Receiving punishment for wrong behavior is entirely understandable. Whether the correction comes from parents or the courts, if you have done wrong, you realize you will have to face the consequences. You reap what you sow. When you sin, you harm, injure, or insult other people. Naturally, they seek justice. They desire to see you receive punishment in return. This is all easy to comprehend, even if you are the wrongdoer.

On the other hand, it is very difficult to understand why some will seek punishment for your good or right behavior! It’s not so much difficult to understand rationally. We understand persecution, rejection of Truth, envy of good, etc. It’s difficult to understand personally. In other words, when it actually does happen to us, we think, “Why would so-and-so treat me this way when I have done him no harm?” The truth is that not only will some desire your harm, but they will actually plot, scheme, and implement harm toward you in return for nothing you have done wrong. You may be treated wrongly for acting rightly, especially if you are a pastor!

Should this happen to us, the Christian response is to forgive those who mistreat us, seek reconciliation where possible, and rejoice in the Lord. In other words, continue to act rightly! Don’t allow being treated wrongly to influence you into wrong behavior! Remember sinless Christ on the cross!

The faith response is to rest in the Lord. Pray to Him. Give it to Him. Trust in Him. He sees. He knows. He will reward and punish accordingly. Let it go! Psalm 59:3-4 “For behold, they lie in wait for my life; fierce men stir up strife against me. For no transgression or sin of mine, O Lord, for no fault of mine, they run and make ready. Awake, come to meet me, and see!”

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