Prayer for this Project

"Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of your law." Psalm 119:18

Thursday, December 23, 2010

The Steadfast Love of the Lord - Psalm 133-138

The love of the Lord is something to sing about! Indeed the whole of psalm 136 is rooted in this marvelous truth. Everything in the psalm is traced back to the love of the Lord. Not just some generalized, mushy notion of love, but rather the very specific, objective love of the Lord.

His love is said to be “steadfast” and it “endures forever.” Those are two very precious qualities of God’s love. It is “steadfast,” meaning it is unchanging, it is committed! It “endures forever,” meaning it will never tire or fail. God’s love for His people is an immovable, unalterable reality

The psalmist opens with thanksgiving concerning the nature of God (vv1-3). He then meditates on the great act of God in creation (vv4-9). After creation, the psalmist reflects on God’s deliverance of Israel from Egypt (vv10-16). Next, he remembers how God enabled Israel to conquer and settle in the Promised Land (vv17-22). Finally, he rejoices in God special care for His people and His provision for all of His creation (vv23-26).

When we think of the nature of God, the act of creation, the exodus, and the conquest, we normally uphold God’s attribute of ultimate power. But not so in this psalm. Here the psalmist upholds God’s attribute of ultimate love for His children!

Look around you my friend. Journey through the Word my friend. And know that everything about God and everything God has done has a cord tied to it. Trace that cord and you will eventually find the other end tied to the love of God. His love is a vast, powerful, shoreless ocean, and if you are His child, you are in it!

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