Prayer for this Project

"Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of your law." Psalm 119:18

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Heaven and Earth - Nothing Without God - Psalm 73-76

Psalm 73:25 “Whom have I in heaven but You? And there is nothing on earth that I desire besides You.”

Most people will reason, “If there is in fact a heaven, I want to go.” Surely all of their friends and family members will go to heaven too, right? The problem arises when people begin to explain why they should be able to go to heaven. “I’ve been a good person.” “I’ve done some good things for others.” “I’ve never really done anything terribly wrong or bad.” “When I get to the pearly gates, surely St. Peter will let me in!”

It’s not St. Peter people should be concerned about. Entrance to heaven is not up to him. The psalmist knows that God alone grants entrance to heaven by grace, through faith, in His Son Jesus Christ! It’s not that the psalmist does not care for the heroes of faith, the loved ones, and the angels who will be there as well, but in terms of salvation, if Christ is not our Advocate nobody may as well be there! If Christ is not for us in heaven, we have nothing!

If Christ does not rule our hearts while on earth, we have nothing! Sure, we may have houses, pleasures, indulgences, trinkets, gadgets, vacations, financial securities, luxuries, and be surrounded by people who love us. They fill the void temporarily. They satisfy temporarily. But sooner or later the thirst surfaces in our soul again that nothing on this earth can satisfy! If we do not have Christ, we have nothing!

May the Lord direct our hearts to that which alone can fit us for heaven and fill us on earth - the Lord Jesus Christ!

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