Prayer for this Project

"Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of your law." Psalm 119:18

Monday, December 13, 2010

Counting Days - Psalm 89-92

Psalm 90:12 “So teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom.”

“Our days” refers to our individual life spans. Interesting to note, Our life spans are referred to as “days” instead of “months” or “years.” And what’s more, they are countable, easy to number! That is, in the end, when the counting is done, they will be few! Sobering, huh?

Moses pleas for the Lord to “teach” him to number his days. Moses, like the rest of us, needed to be reminded of the brevity of life. We always assume we have plenty of time. We always assume we have tomorrow. That being the case, we become procrastinators in the most important areas of our short lives. We keep putting off the things of God like forgiveness, repentance, and godliness, because we are just too busy today and after all, we can begin working on that tomorrow. If we do not number our days, tomorrow never comes!

That is why Moses wants to be reminded often that he only has a few more days to live for the Lord and bring Him glory! The purpose of keeping up with our days is so that we may get a heart of wisdom. That is, that we may make every one of our countable days count! Wisdom is to quit putting off until tomorrow what we can do today, especially when it concerns the things of God! Wisdom is knowing that we need to make the best of this day for the glory of God because we don’t really have that many left! The purpose for our lives and the means of greatest joy is making the most of each day for the glory of God! At its heart, Moses’ prayer was asking God to make sure he doesn’t waste his short life! May we not waste ours either!

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