Prayer for this Project

"Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of your law." Psalm 119:18

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

What Consumes You? Psalm 69-72

What stays at the front of your mind 24/7? Where are you directing your time, resources, and energy? What are you working toward, planning for, anticipating? What activity are found doing most often? What is the one thing that you simply cannot live without?

Are you consumed by a hobby? Are you constantly reading about it, watching shows about it, purchasing the latest gadgets for it? Are you consumed with work? Are you basically a stranger at home because you practically live at work? Are you consumed with a secret sin? Do you arrange your entire life around the next opportunity to indulge?

We are prone to think addiction is always bad, but that’s not true. Being consumed by someone or something else can be unhealthy or very healthy. David, for example, was consumed by God! Psalm 69:9 “For zeal for Your house has consumed me.” “House” can be understood in several ways. It can be the worship of the Lord, the place set aside to encounter the Lord, or even the people of the Lord. Whatever David had in mind, his point was that he was captivated by the things of God, he was “addicted” to God! That is the only kind of addiction that is good for you!

Out tendency is to be easily distracted by the things that matter the least. That item seems so essential. That activity would be so fun. That person could make life so special. We find ourselves in an endless race chasing down things that never satisfy. Let us give ourselves, our attention, our energy and our lives to that which fills every void! May we not avoid being consumed but may we be consumed by the greatest, most thrilling One of all, the Lord Jesus Christ!

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