Prayer for this Project

"Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of your law." Psalm 119:18

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Becoming an Idol - Psalm 113-117

American culture is fascinated with pop stars, whom we call idols. Entire industries survive on “idol” news. Many dream to become a star, an idol.

The truth is that apart from Christ, we all become idols, just not the kind the paparazzi follow around! Psalm 115 speaks of the vanity of idol fabrication. Man-made gods do not speak, do not hear, do not see. They are spiritually useless and unable to help us. However, the worship of our own idols has a profound effect upon the worshipper. 115:8 “Those who make them become like them; so do all who trust in them.” Idol worshippers eventually become idols! This is the case in at least these two ways.

First, as the idol itself is void of senses and life, so the idol worshipper is void of all spiritual sense and life! The idolator reflects the traits of the idol. The idol cannot see and neither can the idolator. He is spiritually blind, spiritually dead, and as long as the focus of his heart is directed to a dead, blind god, he will remain dead and blind as well!

Second, false gods are actually projections of self. We fashion idols in our own image according to our opinions. The result is that whether we are bowing down to a gold statute, a booming career, a pursuit of fame and power, or even our own interpretation of Scripture, we are essentially worshipping ourselves. Therefore, to worship an idol is actually to be an idol because we are worshipping ourselves! An idolator will eventually become an idol. We are not only guilty of discarding God for a false god, but at bottom, we replace God with our “self!”

May we tear down our idols and worship God alone!

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