Prayer for this Project

"Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of your law." Psalm 119:18

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Handling Spiritual Depression - Ps 41-44

Depression has become a very widespread diagnosis. Many are “clinically” depressed, and as a result, “chemically” dependent. Since we are dwelling in fallen bodies, the mind can fail just as any other part of the body might fail. There may be a chemical imbalance in the brain that, if treated carefully with medicines, enables one to regain composure and face life again. However, if the medication becomes an addiction or a means of “escaping” and numbing the mind, that’s not treatment; that’s enablement.

Many times depression is a spiritual condition not a physical one. When our focus has turned from the Lord to circumstances, when “self” has become the center of our world instead of Christ, when we cover sin, or when we live out of fellowship with God or our brother in Christ, we can become depressed. There are many reasons for and expressions of spiritual depression. How do we handle it? The psalmist gives us an example.

First, we should preach to ourselves! Keep telling yourself over and over the truth! Don’t allow yourself to believe a lie. Psalm 43:5 “Why are you cast down, O my soul, and why are you in turmoil within me?” Second, direct ourselves back to God! God is our refuge! God is the source of peace! “Hope in God” (v5). Third, believe that this state of depression is temporary and God will bring you out of it! “for I shall again praise Him” (v5). Fourth, remember to Whom it is that you pray! “my salvation and my God” (v5). If He is your salvation and your God, you are in no better hands than His!

When spiritual depression slams your soul, tell your soul the Truth and give your soul to God. The Lord will triumph over our spiritual depression!

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