Prayer for this Project

"Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of your law." Psalm 119:18

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Loving Discipline - Proverbs 11-15

In our day, spanking is viewed as an out-dated, abusive form of punishment. The question is posed, “How do you teach kids not to hit by hitting them?” Of course, it’s a loaded question. Spanking is not hitting. The words convey two very different notions. When you hit someone, you do so out of anger or self-defense. When you spank a child, you are punishing bad behavior and correcting them, out of love.

Proverbs 13:24 “Whoever spares the rod hates his son, but he who loves him is diligent to discipline him.”

The Bible is not advocating child abuse. There is a vast difference between conforming behavior and bodily harm! What the Bible is advocating is the necessary tough love in order to mold character and develop a child’s worldview. Loving discipline teaches a child that some barriers are not to be crossed. Loving discipline teaches a child that wrong behavior results in consequences. Loving discipline teaches a child that those consequences are undesirable. Loving discipline teaches a child that self-denial and submission to authority are expected and rewarded while selfishness and disrespect are punished. Loving discipline fosters maturity. Most importantly, loving discipline provides Gospel opportunities with children. The first Gospel lesson a child needs to learn is that breaking the law results in punishment. They need to be taught that they are lawbreakers in need of God’s grace in Christ.

“Time-out” just does not convey these lessons. The loving way is the biblical way. If you are still not sure, just observe the child who has no loving discipline in his life and the one who does!

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